by Ryan Shaffer | Apr 7, 2019 | Asbestos, Blog, Respiratory Protection
Workplace dangers and asbestos When you’re on a job site, you focus on deadlines, production, and avoiding injury. Remembering to wear a hard hat to protect your head might be easy enough, but do you consider other less visible dangers? If that hard hat is...
by Chris Walter | Mar 25, 2019 | Blog, Respiratory Protection, Wellness
OSHA Cites 25 Violations On March 21, OSHA proposed $1.3 million in penalties against a Bowling Green, Ohio company for exposing employees to hazards during maintenance inside heat-treating furnaces. According to the news release from OSHA, employees faced...
by Chris Walter | Mar 13, 2019 | Blog, Respiratory Protection, Wellness
Heavy Metal Exposure OSHA cited a battery manufacturing company in Augusta, Ga. for exposing employees to lead, unguarded machinery, and other safety hazards.Employees were exposed to lead amounts exceeding the permissible exposure limit and arsenic above the action...
by Chris Walter | Mar 4, 2019 | Asbestos, Blog, Hearing Protection, Respiratory Protection, Wellness
New NIOSH tool aims to help hazard recognition in mines The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) recently released a beta version of new software designed to help miners identify potential safety and health hazards in mines. The EXAMiner...
by Chris Walter | Feb 19, 2019 | Blog, Respiratory Protection, Wellness
Making Carbon Monoxide Protection a Priority Hundreds of workers experience carbon monoxide poisoning each year.That poisoning typically occur when fuel-burning equipment and tools are used in enclosed spaces without proper ventilation. Risk of exposure becomes...
by Chris Walter | Jan 14, 2019 | Blog, Respiratory Protection, Wellness
New Tool Created to Help Identify Dampness & Mold in Buildings Late in 2018, NIOSH developed a new way to help identify mold in damp work areas.The new Dampness and Mold Assessment tool offers employers a way to both find damp areas that promote mold, and...