Shipbuilder Cited For 16 OSHA Violations, Including Lack of Respirator Fit Testing
The Occupational Health and Safety Administration cited a Portland, OR shipbuilder for 16 health and safety violations totaling more than $370,000. The company was investigated following employee complaints of workplace hazards.
OSHA investigated the facility and found that the company allowed employees to work on energized circuit boxes in the engine room of a passenger ferry. Investigators also found that the company provided respirators without conducting fit testing and medical evaluations.
“This employer’s failure to monitor work areas for the presence of hazards and implement effective controls is putting their employees at risk for serious injuries,” OSHA Seattle Area Office Director Cecil Tipton said.
According to OSHA’s respirator standard, “the employer shall ensure that an employee using a tight-fitting facepiece respirator is fit tested prior to initial use of the respirator, whenever a different respirator facepiece (size, style, model or make) is used, and at least annually thereafter.”
Respirator Fit Testing
Respirator fit testing is used to ensure than an employee’s facepiece respirator fits tightly and properly.
There are two types of fit tests:
Qualitative, a non-numeric pass/fail test that relies on the employee’s sense of taste or smell, or his/her reaction to a substance (test agent) in order to detect leakage into the respirator facepiece; and
Quantitative, utilizes a machine to measure the amount of leakage into the facepiece, instead of relying on senses.
If employees do not have their respirators tested, then they’re not actually being protected from harmful chemicals and substances, such as silica or asbestos. Also, NIOSH recommends daily seal checks — HOW TO PERFORM RESPIRATOR SEAL CHECKS — to ensure that there are no leaks present.
Be Proactive, Not Reactive
“The safety of [our] workers is our highest priority,” said a company spokesperson, in a recent statement. “[We] took immediate action to address the issues noted by OSHA at the time of the inspections. And, we continue to pursue the highest standards in workplace safety everywhere we operate. The safety of our employees is our first priority and we will respond to and work with OSHA to properly close the citations.”
That said, similar violations were also cited at the company’s Alaska location. Unfortunately, their safety plan is coming only as a response to OSHA’s findings, which doesn’t make up for damage that may have already been done.
While it may not be the intention of any employer to put his/her workers in harm’s way, it’s very possible to be doing it without knowing. That’s why you need a guide that knows OSHA standards… one that can make sure that your team and your business are safe. At Worksite Medical, our singular focus is to help you do just that with consistent medical surveillance testing. We do everything from respirator fit testing to x-rays with b-readers, all at your convenience.
When you need medical testing, we’ll be here for you. Click HERE to learn more today.
Call us today at 1-844-OCCUMED to schedule an appointment today, or visit us online.

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Are you looking for a way to keep your team safe, while also limiting risk and increasing production? Simplify your medical plan today. We help team leaders like you develop less disruptive, more convenient occupational health plans that comply with complex industry standards, thus creating a healthier, more productive workforce. Take control of your medical testing program.