by Chris Walter | Nov 13, 2017 | Blog, Respiratory Protection, Wellness
The Flu Shot Each year the flu affects anywhere from 5-to-20 percent of the population — that’s millions of Americans and a lot of sick days. So, do employers just have to accept the loss in productivity? Not necessarily. There are plenty of steps employers can...
by Ryan Shaffer | Oct 10, 2017 | Blog, Silica
OSHA wants you to comply with its new silica rule. No, really, it does.On Sept. 23, the administration implemented some controversial adjustments to Standard 29 CFR 1926.1153 – the respirable silica construction standard. The new rule not only lowered the...
by Chris Walter | Oct 9, 2017 | Blog, Wellness
Whether hot or cold, extreme temperatures can be dangerous to workers’ health; and it can lead to hefty fines for employers. With the summer winding down, OSHA is reviewing cases from the past few sweltering months and is pursuing high fines in severe cases....
by Chris Walter | Sep 18, 2017 | Blog, Wellness
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration recently came under scrutiny after a public list of worker fatalities was removed from its homepage. The OSHA fatality list, which included a running total of workers killed on the job, published information such as...
by Chris Walter | Aug 14, 2017 | Blog, Wellness
The World Health Organization defines a work related illness as “any disease contracted primarily as a result of an exposure to risk factors arising from work activity.” These risk factors could be anything from a toxic chemical to a hot jobsite. Whatever the case, it...