Mobile Audiometric Testing
Optimize your OSHA hearing conservation program with onsite audiometric testing from Worksite Medical!
Save time, increase your productivity, and limit the risk of sending your team away from work. Rest assured that we take all of the proper precautions and follow all COVID-19 health and safety protocols with not only our mobile audiometric testing, but all of our services, including respirator fit testing, lab testing, and OSHA physicals.
Get your team tested and back to work in no time, without sending anyone offsite!
What is Audiometric Testing?
As part of your OSHA hearing conservation program, audiometric testing is pure tone air-conducted hearing testing performed in each ear at frequencies of 500, 1K, 2K, 3K, 4K, 6K, and 8K. This sort of testing identifies hearing levels and a sensitivity to the exposed sound.
With Worksite Medical, you can get up to six audio booths and up to 20 exams per hour.
The Mobile Advantage
You should have more options when it comes to your OSHA medical surveillance program.
Why send your team to urgent care? They will wait in long lines with the general public, and they’ll be away from work. Your testing should be done on your terms, and completed around your schedule.
At Worksite Medical, we’re all about keeping your workplace productive and OSHA-compliant. Need mobile audiometric testing, respirator fit testing, and lab screenings? How about silica physicals, flu shots, and drug testing?
Now, you can meet all of your OSHA-required medical surveillance testing requirements at one time. We safely maintain your company health records, and offer you full accessibility. And, you can develop ongoing new-hire programs!
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The OSHA Standard
As per OSHA Regulation 29 CFR 1910.95, the workplace hearing test standard, audiometric testing must be made available to all employees exposed to sound level at, or above, the 85 dBA over a TWA period – approximately as loud as a milling machine. Worksite Medical® uses sound-proof booths along with Benson audio testing equipment that offers automatic, instantaneous retesting and pausing if interference returns.