Respirator Protection & No-Shave November - Worksite Medical

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In September 2019, OSHA revealed a preliminary list of its top ten most frequently cited standard violations for the fiscal year.

While respiratory protection fell from fourth to fifth place, it remains in the top five for the fifth straight year. The final number of violations will be officially released by OSHA and the National Safety Council in December 2019. Based on the preliminary figures, there were over 245 respiratory protection violations per month in 2019.

All of which are preventable.


Related: OSHA’s Preliminary Top 10 Violations for 2019


With 15 main sections, over 100 separate provisions, and five appendices, it is easy to appreciate why respiratory protection consistently finishes each year as a top-5 OSHA violation.


No-Shave November & the Respiratory Standard


During No-Shave November, participants donate the money otherwise spent on shaving and grooming to raise awareness for cancer and men’s health.  

Since 2009, the US movement has helped to raise over $2 million for cancer education, prevention, and research. Additionally, in conjunction with No-Shave November, Australia’s Movember movement (mo is short for mustache) has funded more than 1,250 men’s health projects across more than 20 countries since it’s inception in 2003.


Recent: Ohio Facility Fined $158K for Noise, Silica Violations


In your industry, however, you and/or your team members may require tight-fitting respirators at work. Unfortunately, that means you can’t partake in No-Shave November.


When fitted correctly, according to OSHA’s respiratory protection standard, employees are “not permitted to have facial hair that comes between the sealing surface of the facepiece and the face, or that interferes with valve function.”

OSHA further explains that, a fit that “is achieved with a beard or facial hair is unpredictable; it may change daily depending on the growth of the hair and the position of the hair at the time the fit is tested.”

Don’t worry, though. We’ve got you covered!


Must Shave? No Problem!


Worksite Medical is back this year to support the movement for workers whose jobs require them to be clean-shaven.

For a limited time, we’re giving away hardhat/uniform stickers to anyone who wants to show his/her support for No-Shave November!


Related: OSHA Issues New Respirator Fit Testing Protocols


Connect with us on Facebook, and follow the instructions to the post pinned to the top of our page to get yours!

Also, don’t forget to schedule your on-site respirator fit testing for for both 2019 & 2020. From OSHA physicals and audiometric testing, to flu shots, blood work, and drug testing, we’ve got you covered – on-site and at your convenience!

Complete the form below to get your free quote, or call us at 1-844-622-8633.

Request a Quote or Schedule Your Testing