Here’s What’s New in OSHA Compliance
Company Faces $299K Fine for Toxic Metal Exposure
During a planned inspection at a jobsite, OSHA found that an Illinois painting and wall covering contractor allowed unsafe exposure to methylene chloride (paint thinner / stripper), and also violated lead safety and cadmium standards. The administration proposed...
OSHA Proposes Update to Hazard Communication Standard
On, Feb. 5. the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) proposed an update of its hazard communication standard. The new rule would align U.S. standards with the United Nations Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling Chemicals (GHS). ...
How to Protect Workers from Dry Ice & Liquid Nitrogen
Dry ice and liquid nitrogen are both common cooling agents used in food and beverage transport — but they can pose potentially deadly health risks to workers. A new hazard alert from the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries warns about the dangers of...
Will OSHA, MSHA Adopt Temporary COVID-19 Standards?
On Jan. 21, President Biden signed an Executive Order that directs the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) to consider adopting emergency temporary standards relating to COVID-19. If the emergency...
Reminder: Respirator Fit Testing is Required Every Year
Every employer knows that employees need to get fit tested for respirators before being able to use them on the jobsite. That’s the first part of OSHA regulation 29 CFR 1910. But, what often slips past some employers is the second part of the regulation. The full...
Willful OSHA Violations Could Lead to Criminal Charges
Most employers are aware of the financial penalties they may face when health and safety violations occur on the job site. But, the consequences of these violations are not just limited to monetary penalties or hazard abatement requirements levied by OSHA. Under the...
COVID-19 Proposed OSHA Penalties Surpass $3.8 Million
UPDATED ON 1/4/2021 OSHA has issued a list of citations for violations relating to COVID-19, spanning from the beginning of the virus until Dec. 24, 2020. The cost of these proposed penalties currently stands at $3,849,222. OSHA reported that these penalties are the...
OSHA’s Vaccine Mandate Faces Legal Challenges
Thread updated on Jan. 3, 2021 The Supreme Court will hear arguments on OSHA’s emergency temporary standard (ETS) in a special expedited session on Jan. 7. The oral arguments will be made for one hour on the ETS regarding COVID-19 vaccination, testing, and...
Top 10 Worksite EHS Articles for 2020
It seems like a year that just wouldn't end, but 2020 is finally coming to a close. From OSHA's silica rule to COVID-19 (and everything about respirators), there's been a lot to cover over the past 12 months. Below, we've compiled a list of the top 10 articles...
EPA Rule Rolls Back Farmer Pesticide Protections
The Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) revised pesticide application exclusion zone requirement in their final rule on agricultural worker protection goes into effect on Dec. 29. The new rule, which was published in the Oct. 30 Federal Register, relaxes limits on...