Here’s What’s New in OSHA Compliance
Protecting Outdoor Workers from the Hazards of Chemical Deicers
The use of chemical deicers remains prevalent during winter, helping to maintaining safe outdoor surfaces. In fact, it's estimated that around $2 billion is spent each year on chemicals, materials, labor, and equipment for winter road maintenance. But, though...
The Crucial Role of DOT Physical Exams for Winter Driving Safety
As temperatures drop and snow begins to fall, both employers and employees must prioritize safety on the road. Winter driving presents significant dangers due to hazardous conditions such as snow, ice, and reduced visibility. Black ice is particularly treacherous as...
MSHA Silica Standard Receives 2024 Update
Silica exposure poses significant health risks to miners, primarily due to the inhalation of respirable crystalline silica (RCS) dust generated during mining operations. In fact, according to the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA), over one million miners...
OSHA Updates Guidance for Animal Slaughtering and Processing Industry
Whether it's your annual Thanksgiving turkey, a Christmas ham, or a simple bologna sandwich, a lot happens behind the scenes before these foods reach your table. And, although you probably don't think about the animal slaughtering and processing industry very often,...
Lead, Cadmium Hazards Cost Wisconsin Recycler $202K
Chronic exposure to heavy metals, particularly lead and cadmium, presents significant occupational health hazards that can severely impact worker health. Commonly found in industries such as construction, manufacturing, and recycling, these toxic metals can enter the...
Protecting Your Team with Onsite Flu Vaccination Clinics
Like clockwork, winter is nearly here. And, as the cold approaches, the significance of flu vaccinations for workers becomes increasingly critical. With the influenza (flu) virus posing a significant threat to employee health and productivity, you can take proactive...
How Will La Niña Impact Outdoor Workers this Winter?
Outdoor workers face significant health and safety challenges during winter months due to adverse weather conditions. The combination of cold temperatures, snow, and ice can lead to a variety of health and safety risks, including frostbite, hypothermia, and trench...
OSHA’s Top 10 Violations of 2024
Every fall, OSHA’s top 10 violations are released, in an effort to inform and educate employers on the most common issues in the workplace. This year's annual list of the Top 10 Most Frequently Cited Standards for 2024 was released at the National Safety Council (NSC)...
What to Know About OSHA’s Silica Standard Enforcement Guidance
In an era where workplace safety is paramount, OSHA's silica standard aims to protect millions of workers from the hidden dangers of respirable crystalline silica, ensuring a healthier future across various industries. In an effort to create more uniformity for the...
The Dangers of Airborne Dust in the Workplace
Workplace safety is paramount, particularly in industries prone to fire, explosion, and respiratory hazards. With that said, if you work in a facility that generates airborne dust, you and your team face additional challenges. That’s because airborne dust in the...